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Button Guard+

A unique range of buttons and switches that are fully protected, the range that you can count on.

Button Guard+ allows you the flexibility when choosing the button or switch you require, it then provides the ultimate protection it needs, from the environment and or from unwanted activations. 


Simply choose from a extensive range of emergency push buttons, standard push buttons, key switches, selector switches, isolator switches or industrial ON/OFF buttons, then allow the Button Guard+ to be your best line of defence

Available Button / Switch Options.......

The most important thing to remember is you still have the power to operate the switch when legitimately required to.


The 'All in One' protective enclosure is designed to give the added protection to vulnerable, essential life safety buttons and switches that they ultimately need.

The protective enclosure is small in size, incredibly strong and robust, its construction helps to defend against 2 problematic equipment issues. Firstly protecting the covering product from the ingress of water and dust especially if installation is within a harsh environment and secondly to defend the covering product against accidental or targeted misuse.



Emergency Push Button.png

Key attributes:

  • Surface Mount only

  • Tamper proof

  • Weatherproof

  • Break-Seal Mounting Area available 

  • High Impact Protection from both front on & side on

  • Manufactured UV Stabilised, robust polycarbonate           

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Ideal solutions for:

Industrial installations, outdoor installations, Food processing plants installations, Wash down areas installations, Pool/sauna area installations. 

Fit your own
labelling section 

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Additional Unique labelling options..........
The choice is yours......
Whichever button / switch you choose the product will come with the appropriate easy peel labels, allowing you to customise the product to fit your application
There are even blank labels that are easy to write on yourself, especially if the supplied selections are not quite right for you

Key Switch / Selector switch labels

Push Button labels

Back Box - These are fitted with 20mm threaded entry points to aid installation of the required IP rated conduit connectors and is fully sealed when installing the central chassis and front section using an o-ring, keeping the weatherproof integrity.


Front cover - It is clear, constructed in a UV grade polycarbonate also giving

the added protection against long damaging ultra violet rays. The cover is

hinged to the central mounting chassis using a stainless steel rod, this still allows access to lift the cover and operate the installed button or switch in the actual event of an emergency or a planned system test. 

Button Guard+ Enclosure - Additional Features 

Dual Mount Back Box

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20mm threaded entry points on either the top wall and the bottom wall, increases your installation options by having the ability to rotate

Instructive Operation Label

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Easy to follow, instructive label on the front cover - in case of emergency or legitimate activation of the switch is required 

Break Seal Mounting Facility

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Break seal mounting holes are positioned on the lower right hand corner of the cover and the central                         coloured chassis.

Stainless Steel Hinge

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Strong, durable and non rusting stainless hinge allows the front cover to open and close.

Switch Detail 

Refer to information specific on the designated switch page - Links above 



Button Guard+ Enclosure

Material:  High Impact Resistant Polycarbonate
Protective Cover Hinge: Stainless Steel - A2 

Button Guard+ Installation:
Dual Mount Back Box Enclosure: Changeable orientation dependent wiring terminations
20mm Threaded Inserts:  x3 - Stainless Steel   (1 x top wall or 2 x bottom wall of back box)
Environmental Seal: Nitrile O Ring - 100mm dia x 3.5mm thickness - 70 shA 

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